Frequently Asked Questions
If you have an AllCare Member ID and are unable to get to appointments on your own, you can use this service.
To schedule your trip with ReadyRide you will need the following information available:
- Your full name
- Your address
- Your date of birth
- Your AllCare Member ID
- Physician/Clinic Address
- Physician/Clinic Name
- Date of appointment
- Time of appointment
- Pick-up time after appointment
- Any special needs (Wheelchair, service animal, medically needed attendant, etc.)
If you are calling to schedule a trip for a child under the age of 12, we will also need to know the following:
- Your child’s name
- Your child’s AllCare Member ID number
- Date of birth
- Who will be the adult with your child
Children under the age of 12 must have an adult with them at all times. the adult may be any of the following:
- The child’s parent or legal guardian
- An adult relative, an identified in writing by the parent or legal guardian
- A department of Human Services (OHS) employee or volunteer
The adult with the child must provide and install any car seats required by law. Drivers are unable to provide or help clients to install or remove car seats.
If you’d like to schedule a trip, please call at least two full business days before you need your ride. You are welcome to schedule a ride up to two months before your trip.
Call ReadyRide at: 541-479-7920, or for hearing impaired: 7-1-1 (Oregon Relay Service).
ReadyRide will try to arrange for same-day rides. But we can only do this when:
- There is a provider available and;
- We can receive the authorization from AllCare.
Drivers may already be booked with other appointments for the day. ReadyRide makes urgent needs their highest priority. If the ride is not urgent, members should schedule rides in advance whenever they can.
ReadyRide is unable to transport you to an emergency facility. If you have an emergency call 9-1-1.
ReadyRide provides non-emergency transportation to AllCare members who live in Curry, Douglas, Jackson, and Josephine counties. Rides provided outside of these four counties are considered “long-distance rides.”
There is no cost to you for this service. Free rides to covered medical, dental, and mental health appointments are part of being an AllCare member. You do not need to pay for rides scheduled by ReadyRide.
Call center hours: Monday thru Friday 8am-6pm.
The call center is closed on: Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day.
Rides are available day or night, every day of the year. It may be difficult to arrange a ride that takes place in the evening, on the weekend, or on a holiday, so please call as far ahead as possible.
Local Rides: If you need to cancel or change a ride please call Ready Ride at least 2 hours before the assigned pick-up time.
Long-Distance Rides: Please call at least 6 hours before the assigned pick-up time.
Rides are not available if:
- You are not an AllCare Member at the time of the ride
- You are not going to a covered service
- You have another way to get to your appointment
- You do not meet the “Same-day ride” rules
If you are denied a ride for any other reason, we will send you a Notice of Action letter. The letter will include the rule number and the reason your ride was denied. If you feel you have been denied a ride unfairly, you have the right to an appeal, a hearing, or both. Your rights are outlined in detail in the “Appeal Rights” section of your AllCare Member Handbook.
Please be ready 5 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time assigned by ReadyRide.
Your driver should arrive within 5 minutes before your scheduled pick-up time to take you to your appointment and no more than 10 minutes after. If you schedule a “will call” pick up, the driver has up to one hour to arrive.
Local Rides: Your trip will be marked as a late cancel if you have not cancelled the ride at least 2 hours before your scheduled pick-up time.
Long distance rides: Your trip will be marked as a “late cancel” if you have not cancelled the ride at least 6 hours before your scheduled pick-up time.
Rides are scheduled to best meet your needs. Depending on your needs, this could be bus tickets, taxicab, wheelchair, car, stretcher car, gas money to drive yourself, or other types of rides, as necessary. Rides may be shared.
We will tailor your ride to meet your needs. When requested, your driver may come to the door of your home or the main entrance of the clinic to let you know they are ready to transport you.
Drivers may also help you through the door into the main entrance, lobbies of clinics, or into your home.
Drivers are not able to help you into medical rooms or other areas of the building. If you need assistance you will need to bring your own attendant. Stretcher rides and hospital discharges are an exemption to this rule.
Drivers are unable to help get ready to transport (feeding, dressing, etc.).
Drivers do not help you move between bed and wheelchair, wheelchair and vehicle, etc. (except for stretcher rides).
Not all drivers are able to help you up and down steps or into buildings if you use a walker or cane, please let us know so that we can find the right driver.
If you use a wheelchair you may ask your driver to assist you up and down curbs.
Please bring a helper if you are unable to travel alone. Since space on the vehicles is limited we cannot guarantee a seat for other guests including minor children. Additional riders may have to pay a fare or a shared ride cost. One medically necessary personal attendant may travel with you at no cost. Additional riders may have to pay a fare or a shared ride cost. We will pay the fare of your attendant. We are unable to pay for your attendant’s time.
AllCare member services can be reached between 8am-5pm Monday-Friday.
Call 541-471-4106 or toll free 888-460-0185. If you are hearing impaired dial TTY number 800-735-2900.
Click the following link to learn more about ReadyRide’s non-emergency transportation procedures and policies.
Learn about the most common situations OHP members face when seeking rides or reimbursement for travel to receive OHP-covered services. Please visit the Oregon Health Plan’s section on non-emergent medical transportation (NEMT) at website. You may also click the following link:{20C92710-11A5-41BA-AFDD-4120B7836CE7}&FilterField1=County&FilterValue1=Jackson